Removing Barriers to Productivity: The Concept
Work Measurement Work measurement, the science of relating work to time, is a broad field. There are numerous techniques for measuring...

What's an Expert
The point of the story is the difference between knowledge and experience. Our interconnected world is now full of easily accessed informati

Reliability = Zero Breakdowns
From a reliability perspective, think about it - zero breakdowns. It sounds radical. It was first proposed by Seiichi Nakagima in his...

A Core Management Tool: the Business Case
There are three principles to keep in mind with business cases. One, a business case in a living document that will grow (in accuracy and...

The Engagement Culture
Our experience is that, as we’ve said repeatedly, People is the most important part of Purpose, Process and People in transformational...

Managing Resistance to Change
We recently conducted a series of change management workshops for a client. The workshop consisted of middle and line managers in an...

Planning & Scheduling Determine Wrench Time Before Work Starts
As we start our training for maintenance planner/schedulers, we tell the class that their objective is to treat the craftsmen like...

Lean Maintenance - Let the Tools Drive the Work
Shigeo Shingo wrote “The parts will tell you what is wrong if you just ask.” You just have to know what questions to ask. This is...

Lean Thinking, Think Lean
Lean Thinking, Think Lean It’s been over 24 years since Jim Womack and Daniel Jones wrote “The Machine that Changed the World” and 18...

Flavor of the Month
It’s not uncommon to hear the rank and file employees of an organization complain at the start of a new initiative. “Here we go again....