Going for the Gold
Last week I was in a consultant "shop-talk" session comparing notes on how to identify and track financial benefits that show in a...

Social Acumen – the Informal Leaders – Accelerate Projects
In 2001, a group of IT project managers published the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. This was in response to a long history of...

Do you want a 20 to 25% productivity gain?
Convergent Results typically improves productivity 20 to 25 percent, and assists clients directing that gain to achieving measurable...

The Stewards of Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is increasingly a corporate priority. It has become a CEO-level issue. The payoff is in increased productivity and...

Capturing Productivity
The proposed project would “transform” the organization, “optimizing” all its business processes. Large contracts were signed on these promi
Making it Stick
It is not infrequently that we find new processes and systems not used because people just flat forgot the training they received in...

Don’t Repave the Cow Path
Whenever an organization indicates they are considering automating an existing process, Convergent Results always has the same advice....

Our Founding Fathers Understood Change Management
My most recent read is The Quartet: Orchestrating the Second American Revolution, 1783-1789, by Joseph J. Ellis. It is the story of how...

Problem Solving, the Forge of Corporate Culture, Engages Employees
It happened again this past week! A client asked how you mold corporate culture. This was part of a brand new merger where the challenge...

Social Acumen of the Informal Leaders Accelerate Projects
In 2001, a group of IT project managers published the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. This was in response to a long history of...