Change management and organizational development follow a logical flow in an effective implementation of business strategy.
Clients ask about our track record. Our answer is we have always achieved the promised results. Our name, Convergent Results, describes why that is the case.
Identify the Purpose of what our client needs to achieve.
Examine the business Processes that support achievement of that Purpose.
Engage the People in the organization to overhaul the process and implement the changes necessary, to achieve the Purpose…and sustain it.
We converge these three elements to achieve results. In effect, we cheat! We create a partnership with the people in the organization most knowledgeable about how things work and what needs to be fixed - the employees doing the job!
Employee engagement is the cornerstone of our success. Your people are the most experienced resources in how your business currently works. What are the strengths and weaknesses? What should be fixed? Who are the people who can help make that happen?
Our people have deep experience in best practices and how those practices have been adopted elsewhere. What worked and didn’t work, and why? What methods were used to make and implement beneficial, sustained change?
Together, as a joint team of peers, your and our people create a reservoir of knowledge and skills uniquely positioned to assure success. The joint team works with the rational, political and emotional dimensions of change. Your entire organization participates in process design, refines concepts and buys into the necessary changes.
Convergent Results starts by reviewing the critical objectives with senior management. Then assessing the current state and existing initiatives, we work with the client's thought and organizational leadership selecting the joint team membership and developing the optimal project deliverables, schedule, and roles.
The joint team solicits participation from the entire organization in process design. This establishes early and wide organizational buy-in to facilitate later implementation. Our people work with your organization to refine and align the business processes. Process and organizational design include clear expectations and accountabilities that support the required performance. The resulting “To Be” or “White Paper” designs are reviewed by the entire, affected employee population for their awareness and input.
The organization is moved quickly into implementation. Line management is trained in change management and become implementation leaders. Organizational changes go into place, supported by extensive process and role training.
The joint team works side-by-side with senior and line management to fine-tune and implement an effective process. Our consultants are in the work areas acting as coaches to line management, training the organization on the most effective application of the process to meet the objectives.
Implementation progress is measured and reviewed with senior management. Results are measured against the project schedule.